.. for_learners: Advice for Learners ------------------- * Ask questions of each other first, then your guides. * If you are confused, or lost, back up, try again. * Do experiments! * Break down tasks into repeatable, understandable parts. * Even expert coders write lots of broken code. mistakes are normal. * The computer does exactly what you tell it to, not what you want it to do. * `your own pace` is the right pace. * Your background is a good background, and you have things to contribute. Troubleshooting Hints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Are you where you think you are? --> ``pwd``, ``hostname`` * Restart the server. * Hard-refresh your web browser. * Try a different browser. * Re-read the instructions. * Make some tea. * Check for spelling errors. * Examine the object in a python shell. * View page source. * Have someone else look -- fresh eyes fix mistakes. .. include:: safer_space.rst